If you wish to add your details to our register of researchers, you can do so via this form.
Affiliation: University of Graz
E-mail: bernhard.bauer@uni-graz.at
Website: https://homepage.uni-graz.at/en/bernhard.bauer/
Project(s): https://glossit.uni-graz.at/en/ | https://gams.uni-graz.at/context:glossvibe
Interests: My research interests are Early Medieval Glossing Traditions, Language Contact, and Knowledge Transfer. In my projects I combine methods of comparative philology and historical linguistics with those of the digital humanities.
Affiliation: University of Galway
E-mail: jacopo.bisagni@universityofgalway.ie
Website: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/our-research/people/languages-literatures-and-cultures/jacopobisagni/
Project(s): https://ircabritt.nuigalway.ie/
Interests: My IRCABRITT project (2018–2023), funded by the Irish Research Council (Laureate Scheme), focussed on the transmission of computistical and exegetical texts between Ireland, Brittany, and Francia in the Carolingian age. One of the project's key achievements was the online publication of a 'Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780–1100' (https://ircabritt.nuigalway.ie/handlist), listing and describing 225 manuscripts, with particular attention given to their dating and localisation.
Affiliation: Radboud University
E-mail: shari.boodts@ru.nl
Website: https://www.ru.nl/en/people/boodts-s
Project(s): https://www.ru.nl/en/research/research-projects/passim-project | https://passim.rich.ru.nl/ | https://www.ru.nl/en/research/research-projects/manuscriptai
Interests: My research deals with the impact of handwritten transmission on the survival and interpretation of texts from Antiquity and the Middle Ages. I use digital datasets and computational analysis to investigate manuscript layout, combinations and sequences of texts, and transmission patterns. My recent projects, including the ERC-project 'Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages' (PASSIM), focused on the medieval reception of late-antique Latin preaching, with specific attention to the development of early medieval liturgical homiliaries and their effect on the sermons' textual integrity and popularity.
Affiliation: CNRS- UMR 7597 Histoire des Théories Linguistiques
E-mail: franck.cinato@cnrs.fr
Website: https://htl.cnrs.fr/equipe/franck-cinato/
Project(s): https://htldb.huma-num.fr/exist/apps/htldb/elma/presentation.html | https://deglossis.hypotheses.org/ | https://publikationen.badw.de/en/cglo/index#~-0a-
Interests: I am currently working on a catalogue of manuscripts containing glossaries and glossographic materials for the early Middle Ages, as part of my research project TGL, Thesaurus glossariorum latinorum.
Affiliation: Trinity College Dublin
E-mail: clearma@tcd.ie
Website: https://tcd.academia.edu/MathewClear
Project(s): https://computus.huma-num.fr/
Interests: Researcher working on Early Medieval Computus and an active contributor to the 'Computus in the Carolingian Age' (CitCA) database. I have interests in Digital History, including quantitative analysis, data visualisation, and digital preservation.
Affiliation: University of Galway
E-mail: colleen.curran@universityofgalway.ie
Interests: I am currently working on BretPal, a Marie Curie-funded Digital Humanities project. I am currently developing an interactive database that will provide palaeographic information for early medieval manuscripts either written by Breton scribes and/or in Brittany.
Affiliation: Universidade Federal Fluminense
E-mail: silva_renato@id.uff.br
Website: https://uff.academia.edu/RenatoDaSilva
Project(s): https://sites.usp.br/historiaconectada/
Interests: I am currently working on the Letters of Alcuin, trying to understand and map the aristocratic connections throughout Europe and possibly beyond it. My main interest is to build a database for such letters, using Geolocalization, translations, references to other databases of historical characters (like PASE) and making maps of connections and communications available.
Affiliation: University of Göttingen
E-mail: Anna.dorofeeva@uni-goettingen.de
Website: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/675451.html
Project(s): https://palaeography.hypotheses.org/
Interests: Early Medieval Latin manuscripts, Wikibase.
Affiliation: Trinity College Dublin
E-mail: fraundop@tcd.ie
Website: https://tcd.academia.edu/PeterFraundorfer
Interests: I am mostly interested in DELM as a forum to discuss different interpretations and to further the standardization of terminology used by paleographers like Lowe and Bischoff.
Affiliation: University of Leeds
E-mail: ll14elhd@leeds.ac.uk
Project(s): https://trivent-publishing.eu/img/cms/CFC%20Jordanus%20Rufus.pdf
Interests: Hippiatric manuscripts: I am currently on the editorial board of a new project on the Italian veterinary practitioner Jordanus Rufus (d. c. 1256). This project aims to study the text, its language, palaeography and codicology, and to create a database of manuscripts attributed to Rufus.
Affiliation: University of Galway
E-mail: padraic.moran@universityofgalway.ie
Website: http://www.pmoran.ie
Project(s): http://www.mira.ie | http://www.glossam.ie | http://www.glossing.org/glosscorpus
Interests: I am compiling the online catalogue Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA). I also have an interest in glossed manuscripts from a wide variety of cultural traditions.
Affiliation: UQAM
E-mail: pollard.richard_matthew@uqam.ca
Website: https://uqam.academia.edu/RichardPollard
Project(s): https://sapientia.uqam.ca/fr/les-projets/l-histoire-medievale-intellectuelle | https://www.latinjosephus.org/
Interests: Creating a complete database of the manuscripts listed in Bischoff's Katalog (3 vols., 1998–2014).
Affiliation: Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH)
E-mail: clemens.radl@mgh.de
Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4620-9582
Project(s): https://www.dmgh.de | https://data.mgh.de/databases/clavis/wiki/
Interests: Digital editing, pre-Gratian canon law, software development.
Affiliation: University of Bamberg
E-mail: christof.rolker@uni-bamberg.de
Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2524-8814
Project(s): https://data.mgh.de/databases/clavis/wiki/ | https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Handschriften_der_Kaiser-Heinrich-Bibliothek
Interests: I work on medieval canon law, including the reception of very early materials; also, being based at Bamberg, I have a specal interest in the local collections.
Affiliation: Universität zu Köln; Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
E-mail: Daniela.Schulz@uni-koeln.de
Website: https://mittelalterliche-geschichte.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/en/personal/mitarbeiterinnen/schulz-daniela
Project(s): http://www.leges.uni-koeln.de | https://capitularia.uni-koeln.de | https://registry.text-plus.org/?lang=en
Interests: Manuscript culture and tradition; manuscript databases; digital editing; data modelling; text encoding.
Affiliation: University of Galway
E-mail: christian.schweizer@universityofgalway.ie
Website: https://universityofgalway.academia.edu/ChristianSchweizer
Project(s): https://www.universityofgalway.ie/classics/research/postdocs/schweizer/ | https://computus.huma-num.fr/about/christian_schweizer
Interests: Carolingian and early Irish intellectual history, Latin literature, and manuscripts. I have contributed to the 'Computus in the Carolingian Age' database.
Affiliation: IRHT Paris
E-mail: evina.steinova@gmail.com
Website: https://homomodernus.net/
Project(s): http://innovatingknowledge.nl
Interests: small manuscript databases, lifecycle of databases (including their death), data modelling, linked open data, IIIF
Affiliation: University of Leicester
E-mail: js73@leicester.ac.uk
Website: https://le.ac.uk/people/joanna-story
Project(s): https://le.ac.uk/news/2024/april/insular-project
Interests: Early Medieval Latin manuscripts, especially those written in Insular script, in the English or Irish kingdoms, or in Insular scriptoria in Francia.
Affiliation: Huygens Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
E-mail: mariken.teeuwen@huygens.knaw.nl
Website: https://www.huygens.knaw.nl/en/medewerkers/mariken-teeuwen-2/
Project(s): https://ecodices.nl/en/ | https://database.marginalscholarship.nl/
Interests: Medieval manuscripts, digital infrastructures, medieval intellectual life, material aspects of the culture of reading and writing in the MA
Affiliation: ICREA/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E-mail: matthias.tischler@icrea.cat
Website: https://www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificStaff/matthias--m.-tischler-241684
Project(s): https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/imafo/forschung/historische-identitaetsforschung/projekte/carolingian-culture-in-septimania-and-catalonia | http://postcarolingianworld.ac.at/resources-2/ | https://webs.uab.cat/luculentius/
Interests: My current research focuses on the full reconstruction of the Carolingian text and manuscript heritage in Septimania and Catalonia from the ninth to the twelfth century. This is the first comprehensive study of the transformative impact of the so-called ‘Carolingian Reform’ on a central periphery of the Carolingian empire, a political, ecclesiastical and cultural key zone of the post-Visigothic world. The basis of all my projects is the text and manuscript database "Carolingian Catalonia" (Car.Cat), an innovative DH tool as it reconstructs and visualises for the first time the dynamics of Carolingian transformation of an entire landscape of handwriting and book culture of its own.
Affiliation: Trinity College Dublin
E-mail: volmern@tcd.ie
Website: http://www.nicolevolmering.ie
Project(s): http://www.earlyirishhands.ie | http://www.martyrologyofoengus.ie
Interests: Working on Irish (and Insular) manuscripts, especially in the early period; PI of Early Irish Hands: The Development of Writing in Early Ireland, which investigates the development of Irish palaeography and book production pre-900, and co-I of Wandering Books, a collaborative project which seeks to improve methods of localizing manuscripts by comparing and integrating methodologies. Also interested in martyrologies and Irish history more generally.